Benefits of an LED retrofit on your current lighting infrastructure

Have you ever wondered if there was a way to reduce your energy bill and save more money?

An LED retrofit on your lighting may be the solution you’re looking for. Not only does it reduce your energy usage, thus saving you money, but LED lights also require minimal maintenance which saves you time.

What is an LED Retrofit?

After evaluating and comparing your existing lighting infrastructure with LED lights, you have two choices: you can either continue spending a lot of money in energy bills each month or you can convert all of your lights to LEDs, otherwise known as an LED retrofit.

While the initial investment can feel a tad daunting, the long term return you receive is significant. After converting your lighting to LEDS, you can save up to 40% on your energy bill every month, causing the daunting initial cost to be paid back in no time.

Benefits of converting to LED lights

Whether you’re using incandescent or fluorescent bulbs for your lighting infrastructure, LEDs surpass any other bulb on the market by a significant margin. Despite their higher initial cost, LEDs pay themselves back quite quickly.

Not only do they use 75% less energy than incandescent bulbs, but the lifespan of LED lights is extremely long in comparison. Lasting a minimum of 15,000 hours, the lifespan of LED lights is 15 to 20 times longer than incandescents and 3 times longer than fluorescents.

A 60W (watt) incandescent light bulb that runs at 750 lumens (amount of light emitted) on your property for 10 hours a day — that’s 600W per day or 0.6kWh (kilowatts per hour). Now, if we use an average BC Hydro rate (14 cents per kWh) every day for a month, at an average of 30.5 days per month, then that one bulb costs you $2.56 every month.

But what can this mean for businesses that have hundreds of lights?

For example, if a business runs 35 1000W (watt) metal halide, 1 400W metal halide, and 8 250W metal halide lights at 10 hours a day, using the same method as above, and 14 cents per kWh, then they will spend $52.36 each day, about $1,596.98 per month, and $19,163.76 annually to run their lighting infrastructure.

Let’s take those metal halide bulbs and turn them into the LED equivalents — 35 300W, 1 150W, 8 80W LED bulbs at 10 hours a day, 14 cents per kWh.

The new lighting infrastructure only costs them $15.81 per day, about $482.08 a month and $5,785 annually.

Just like that, the business saved $13,378.76 on their energy bill in the first year alone.

By using less energy, your energy bill will be much lower every month and you won’t have to replace bulbs nearly as often which will also help offset that initial installation cost.

Common areas to retrofit with LEDs

A commercial property has quite a bit of lighting to evaluate and convert to LED lights. From open areas, including fields, parking lots, storage yards, and more, to stairwells, parking garages, concierge, office units, and multi-storey residential buildings, there is lighting infrastructure everywhere.

Not only will you save money by converting your commercial space lighting to LEDs, but these bulbs are strong and emit a lot of cool, white light which improves the performance of your lighting — unlike the warm, yellow to orange light that incandescents give off.

To complete an LED retrofit in your space, contact a professional electrician for an energy assessment on your lighting infrastructure and plan to convert all your lights to LEDs to optimize your savings every month.

Our highly trained electricians can perform an assessment of the lighting on your property, provide a custom plan, and complete a full LED retrofit to save you money. For more information or any inquiries, contact us today for an LED retrofit.